
Showing posts from 2010

Busy, yet blessed!

It’s been a busy few months for this momma! I must catch you up on the Brunson household. Eric is working more than ever, though it does pay off ; ) My little girl turned three : ( And I have put a hold on teaching my own fitness/bootcamp classes and am currently working with P31 Fitness: ) Of course, working for someone else, I make less moola ; just thinking it is for a good cause and will eventually pay off. I have a new addiction. My marvelous parents gave me a Canon EOS Rebel that I cannot stop snapping away. I am so amazed at the astounding pictures it takes. Thank you mom and dad! Now I just need to learn how to use it when it isn’t in “Auto”. Truly loving the zoom lens also! When I was young, I used to think our family Christmas tradition was silly. We do the same thing each year and have done it this way since…well since I can remember. Do you have a Christmas tradition, or does your family just “get together”? As you grow older the tradition becomes so important...

So much work, for something so little.

Too many things I want to do. Too many ideas in my head. I told my mother the other day, “Life is too short to do the same thing every day.” I do not miss being locked in an office, or typing the same old reports every day. There is now another title I may add to my resume along with mother, police officer, fitness trainer, cook, chauffer, social worker, writer, drummer, artist, and wife. I may now add Published Author! Today is very exciting for me. I have written since I was in high school; and still have those short stories on a floppy disk (old). I have written down everything that has made some kind of an impression on my life. Every time I see something so beautiful that I can barely describe; I grab a pen and paper and somehow the words just appear. I want to write and write and write. I got tired of writing stories and articles for other people ( so that they may publish “my” work. Freelance writing doesn’t pay that well ; ) My daughter inspired me to try writing...

My oh my, how she is my ... darling

I have been absent from Blogging for over a month! My life has been fairly chaotic lately, with my husband working longer hours, my freelance work picking up, my bootcamp continuing, and my butterfly princess keeping my on my toes. My daughter is often reminding me of my poor choice of words and my reactions to everything. I find it to be the greatest blessing to be able to stay at home with my sweet daughter. Though with each passing day she picks up on one more of my “many” habits. Her favorite thing to say at this moment is, (and please forgive me) “Oh My God.” And she says it with total theatrics. Sample dialog: Momma, “What are we going to do tomorrow? Lyric, “I’m gonna make a BIG mess and you’re gonna say, OH My Gaaaawd.” Today I cut out some paper butterflies using cutsie scrapbook paper. We lay out an old blanket on the living room floor and dig out the acrylics and paint brushes. Together we painted all of the butterflies (the blank sides). It was loads of fun and very...

Baby Shower Baking

My BFF's baby shower is today and I had the honor of creating the cupcakes. I spent so much time online looking at ideas for cutsie cupcakes. After much research I finally made a decision... There will be plenty of Pink and Cutsie baby stuff there already! Im going with super yummy instead of pretty. These are the flavors I chose! Peanutbutter nuget, and chocolate icing sprinkled with reeses cups. Chocolate icing with snickers, caramel, and nuget. White chocolate and marshmellow with cream filling!

Friday the 13th? So What!

It must really suck to fear an entire day just because of the number that represents it. I have never been superstitious for two reasons; one being that my parents taught me that it is not Christian manner to fear what is in Gods control, it is Christian to have faith. Another reason is because it must be miserable to live life fearing everything. I know through experience and sheer faith that FEAR is a GIFT from God. He will give it to you when it is needed and it will not feel like the simple anxiety that you get from the title that Atheists have stamped on a day. You will feel it in your throat and you will know something is not exactly right. That is a gift. I don’t fear Friday the 13th because nothing is more likely to happen to me today than tomorrow if God wills. Don’t fear FEAR, be grateful for it. A friend of mine posted the following on Facebook and I Love the way she put it: “Fear of Friday the 13th is based on superstition, and as such it has no place in the mind o...

My daughter's first crush

We are sitting at the table munching on some grilled cheese sand’s, pretzels, and pickles. Yummy! Lyric usually watches Sesame Street everyday at 11:00am. So she’s watching TV while we eat lunch…yes I said it; and I have my back to the TV working on my computer while I eat…multitasking. Lyric says “Oooo, who is he?” I turn around and there is Hugh Jackman on the TV with Elmo. I tell her “that is Hugh Jackman.” She then says “He is pretty momma.” When that segment was over she said. “He need to come back.” Im so proud of my daughter with excellent taste!

Rebel Yell

I started my first Evening Bootcamp class in Cooper today. I think I’m going enjoy teaching in the evening… though I think I have upset some of my morning bootcamp gals. Maybe I can work out a way to do both and still be sane. When I arrived home I wasn’t welcomed by the typical tiny arms wrapped around my legs. I am with Lyric all day every day. So, when I leave her for only few minutes she acts as if it has been weeks when I return. I wondered where she was. Eric said “she’s in her room”. I take a peek and she is sitting on her bed playing with her foot with no books, no toys, and no T.V. on. Eric then explained that she is grounded to her room. Apparently Lyric thought one of her daddy’s guitars was trying to karate chop her so she kicked it over. Okay so she deliberately kicked over, my little rebellious punk. Eric was furious (knowing his LOVE for his guitars) but still took proper action by telling her she did wrong and telling her to stay in her room. I did not want to be th...

Catch a Wave

Salt in the air and sand in my bathing suit, that’s how I like it! We just returned home from a mini-vacation with my mom, sister, and the kiddos, at the glorious beach. My daughter thought, on more than one occasion, we were visiting a nude beach. Luckily I captured her quickly each time and put her suit back on. We enjoyed standing in the water letting waves crash against us, with Lyric’s scream of laughter accompanying each wave. The body boarding experience with my sister was awesome! That was the last time I saw my favorite sunglasses but it was worth every second. Who needs a water park, God has created such wonderful fun in nature. It just happens to be 5 hours away. Shark! No that’s a dolphin. Swimmers had a scare when they saw a fin whirling around the swimming area. Without a second look everyone jetted for the beach out of the water only to look around and see a beautiful dolphin slashing around and showing off. Just remember to always take someone slower along with you...

Soft Spot on a hard day

Why do I keep having garage sales after I say I will “never again”? This is miserable, hot, and drawn out. The weather in Texas in mid-July does not exactly permit the most comfortable situation. Although it is nice to see a few things go. Not enough things to fit my liking. I had all of this “crap” stashed in my workout room and approached it yesterday to begin hauling items outside to the “garage”. Lyric was right behind me; I said “well I guess I need to price this stuff”. I give her credit for being smart but surely she didn’t know what I was saying and only sensed my tone, because she responded with, “are you friggin kidding me?” I laughed immediately and then thought, (should my 2 year old be saying “friggin”) awe what’s it gonna hurt…beside’s it’s cute. My folks also brought a lot of things to sell at the garage sell as well. They emptied out their closets and assigned one box to me to approve because it was full of my ole belongings. Within this magical box lied my many Sex Pi...

Beavers and Dominoes

Lyric and I recently returned home from a holiday at Beaver’s Bend State Park with my family. Eric of course had to work and was unable to accompany us, though he is a sweet man to not complain about working in the heat while we go off to relax. The trip we used to make every year growing up is still as fun as before…especially watching my daughter enjoy herself. She wants to live in “beaber’s ben”. It was fun to watch my dad get busted by the park ranger…apparently you are not allowed to float, wade or fish in the river behind your cabin. My dad paddled to shore with his ‘tall boy’ keystone ice as the ranger flirted with the kids. We did the remainder of the rafting and floating in the swimming area. Surprisingly, I have been there almost every year of my life and this was my first visit to the swimming area (that I can remember). I’ve never been one for public swimming areas. My mom cooks the best meals when we have to ad lib. I haven’t eaten homemade gravy like that in years. I am...

To: daddy From: me

Yes...I posted about myself on Father's Day (very vain) though I wanted to dedicate this Post to my father, Ronnie Herron. The greatest dad in the world. Useful things I have learned from my father: 1. How to Play Basketball, Softball, Tennis. 2. To listen to good music; He taught me that talent and passion is more beautiful than a catchy beat. 3. Admire people who are not only good at what they do, but who love doing it. 4. Honoring God - Religion was a priority in my dad's life. We went to church often, as a family. He taught us to love and honor the Lord. He showed us by example what it meant to keep the commandments of God. 5. How to change my own oil. 6. How to change a flat tire. 7. When you talk, do it honestly and from the heart. 8. Express your opinion passionately, even if you will make people mad. (ie. A particular church he guest preached at) People do not like to hear that they are hypocrites. hmm 9. How to drive a Stick Shift: I just bought my first Autom...

Thank you Ma'am...So much

I sat in the booth across from my husband and daughter. It is Father’s day so my husband chose to go shopping at Lowes and grab a bite at Chili’s. My hair up in a ponytail, my jeans rolled up like Huck-Fin, a spaghetti strapped tank top for the special occasion and flip flops. My plate consisted of hot wings, Southwest Eggrolls and Chicken Crispers, and I sipped Diet Coke; not exactally the meal of a classy woman. My gaze lifted from the table and noticed an older lady staring at me, and I smiled. She instantly walked around the restaurant and stopped at our table. She spoke to my husband, “Sir, I just wanted to tell you that you have a beautiful wife.” she looked at me, "You are one of the most beautiful women I've ever seen." Eric smiled and my eyebrows raise in shock as I say “Thank you”. She then follows with, “I mean it, you are just so pretty, so delicate.” I thought to myself; “Delicate?” I was waiting for my husband to spit his tea out of his mouth from laughter b...

Butterfly House

Lyric and I had a day adventure, with my sister and her children, to the Dallas Zoo. Alanna went on and on about a "Butterfly House" from the moment we mentioned going to the zoo. It isn’t often that you get to see a butterfly up close and personal. Lyric has only seen a handful of fluttering flies around the back yard and was instantly intrigued at the mention of a house for butterflies. After exploring impressive new exhibits at the zoo, we finally made our way around to the butterflies. We entered the small greenhouse and were immediately surrounded by flying exquisiteness. They fluttered around everywhere, landing on flowers, and showing off their striking colors. Lyric giggled with bliss as she gazed at the wings waving at us all around. The “house” was so tranquil and purely relaxing. I wonder if Eric will build me a “Butterfly House” for the back yard. How relaxing would it be to sit and read a romance novel while butterflies flurried around? I guess I would have t...

Love is...?

Well we have made it four years!!! One more and we’ll have it made, right? Aren’t the first five years of marriage supposed to be the hardest? Lord, I hope so. My husband and I could not be more different, though I think that is what draws us closer. We have both made many sacrifices, (I have made more, just between you and me) and have both changed so much from who we were when we got married. It is funny how two can marry and change completely, become interested in opposite things, and yet love each other more than the day of the wedding. I would have never dreamt of being a house wife and stay at home mom, (I never even thought I would want children) and he thought he’d be playin’ music forever. But love changes things; it changes priorities; it changes lives. It feels good to have someone in your life that you love one moment, hate the next, want to kill them, then the next day love them more. Love is strange. “Love is the thing that enables a woman to sing while she mops up the fl...

Finished Product

Well, I finished it a few days ago, and just now getting around to taking pictures. I love my new bathroom, but most importantly… my princess loves it too. She stayed with her Nana and Papa while I did the staining and decorating portions of the project. When Lyric saw the finished bathroom her reaction was: “Wow, mommy your bathroom is so pitty. You did good job.” She loves the polka dots. Her faith in me makes me beam with happiness. The cabinets were a tan brown color and the walls were off white… yuck. I took a mirror from another room and painted polka-dots, and a $1 toothbrush holder from Wal-mart and also painted it. The piece that hangs on the cabinet door is one of my pieces I made several months ago. I wasn’t going for Polka-dots when I started, was going for a more vintage look, but because I couldn’t find the EXACT style of mirror that I wanted, everything ended up spotted. Here is the finished project:

I am Under Construction

Dropping the electric sander while it is still on is a major “America’s Funniest Home Video’s” moment. I think my hand just went numb and I forgot I was still holding on to it. I am redecorating my bathroom… the tiniest bathroom in the world. Did I mention my husband is a plumber. He often describes these exotic bathrooms that he builds or repairs all the time and I just pout about my teeny powder room. So I decided if I’m going to have to live with the smallest bathroom in the world, it should be the most extraordinary and radical bathroom I can create. So I got some paint for the walls, stain for the cabinets and my painting clothes on. I painted yesterday and the color is awesome (will post pics). It was left over from my recent redecorating spree in the living room. A beautiful teal color. Sanding was a challenge as I have already described. The actual process was quite easy to be honest, just not the best job for an intuitive klutz. I bounced around my tiny bathroom as if a cowboy...
Rachel is a long time friend of mine whose daughter is having a birthday party tomorrow at a skating rink. My hubby, Eric, worked at this establishment for a few years while in high school…and of course thinks he is the king of skating. He has proven to be quiet an impressive skater though the bragging is just a bit ridiculous. I haven’t been skating since the 6th grade or so… so this should be interesting. Wait no; I did have some roller blades in high school, which I rocked. But this isn’t regarding me nor Eric. My daughter has been sliding her feet around the house for a week; “I’m Skating mama!” She is so very excited to go skating…for the first time. Certainly momma is a bit nervous, and I hope out Master Skating Daddy will keep tight grip on her hand while he shows her the basics of the skill. I want to skate with her of course, it will be tons of fun; however Eric said, “I would like to teach her something before I die.” I think he gets a bit jealous coming home everyday to her ...

Feelin' Crafty

On occasion I get a crafty bug and I just spew it all over the house. It drives my husband crazy sometimes. I have stacks of canvases in the corner of my workout room. I always have very random ideas and just go with it! Here are a few things I created during the few hours of “me time” I get when my daughter sleeps.

Oh, tha life!

Could I have a better life? Sitting in the sun watching my daughter swim in her tiny kiddy pool; Taking her for a walk down the road to see the goats, lama's and cows (very country); playing dress-up; talking in our own "blahblahblahhhhhablabh" language driving daddy crazy; eating M&Ms while chillin’ in 'mommy's car; all before naptime. What a busy yet entertaining day! But I did get my car cleaned!

Life's Lessons from a 2 year old

She was so amazed by those “fishies”. Little things can make her day so amazing and impact her so much that it creates a week’s worth of conversations. She will talk about those “fishies” for days now. Why are most adults not so amazed with life’s beauty? I myself could watch fish swim, stare at the beach, gaze at the mountains and enjoy the flowery scenery from the highways for hours. But some, like my husband for example, just drive on by without a care. Sometimes I think we are too busy and have too many worries to see. Both my husband and I have noticed these things a little more now that we have a wee one to point them out to us. You really come to appreciate the small things. It is remarkable the simple life lessons you can learn from a two year old.

Cucumber What?

A few days ago I was relaxing on my couch (which is an unusual occasion with a 2 year old), watching the Importance of Being Earnest. Why? Because I too have an ‘inner dork’. I love old Victorian settings, and classic literature/plays. Near the beginning of the movie (with Collin Firth,:)), they spoke of “Cucumber Sandwiches”; something I had heard of in several movies though never seen one much less tried one. Cucumbers are not appealing to me and the thought of them on a sandwich brought my thoughts to one expression…”gross”. I had thought too soon. My sister, who has all too often amazing ideas, made cucumber sandwiches (among other yummy English treats) for her daughter’s Birthday ‘Princess Tea’ party I spoke about in my last post. I tried one of these ‘cucumber sandwiches’ and then another and then another. Then I grabbed the wheat thins and ate a few of those with slices of cucumbers. Okay more than a few. I never imagined falling in love with something I ‘KNEW’ I didn’t like. ...

Princess Tea Party!

Yesterday morning, my daughter was to attend my niece’s fifth birthday party. My niece, Alanna, had wished for a “Princess Costume/Tea Party”. Lyric informed me and her daddy that she wanted to dress up as ‘Princess Lyric’ for the princess tea party! Expecting her response to be something like ‘Snow White’, her daddy asked her, “who is your favorite princess?” My angel responded in one beautiful word… “Mommy”. She danced around the house the entire morning jabbering on about the princess tea party! Needless to say, she ended up having an absolute BLAST dressed in a pink princess dress and her twinkle toed sketchers. I am so proud to have a little punk rock princess.

The Brunson 10's

• Lyric is 2 ½ and makes me proud daily with her very intellectual way of talking. “Mommy sit down let’s talk about daddy.” She is too smart for her own good. • Losing my job was the paramount moment in my life. Having the opportunity to be a stay at home mother is something I never dreamed of doing. However now that it is here before me, I am cherishing every moment. • I am considering ADHD medication. Not even sure if I have the disorder. I really think I’m OCD too. • I am lucky to have a husband who supports my dreams and is cheering me on along the way… • I have also been blessed with a small freelance position that allows me to make a little extra money and Spend all day with my daughter • My husband recently obtained his Master Plumbing License and his business is going great! • I have gained 3 pounds which may not sound like much… but 3 pounds on a smaller person is 100 times harder to lose than 20 pounds on a full figured person. Of course no sympathy. • Applied for graduate s...