10 Things I want my daughter to know about life

For my precious Lyric

10. Serve God, Love God, and Mend. Shakespeare’s quote from Much Ado about Nothing was said from a man to a woman “serve God, love me, and mend”…But until you find THAT “man” always abide by the other version. No matter what is happening in your life, and no matter how unpopular it is to serve God, …do! You will be a happier person and it will mend all internal wombs.

9. Always use a strong hand shake… it leaves lasting impression. It represents self-confidence and ambition. A strong hand shake and eye contact exemplifies a mutual respect for one another and is a sign that you are friendly, trustworthy, and honest. Always Always Always look people in the eye when you talk to them.

8. If you have the ability, always do what you can to fight for people who are unable to fight for themselves, regardless of who they are. Do not sit back and watch bad things happen or said to someone without speaking up to protect that weaker person. It is the decent thing to do.

7. Treating others nicely is important, go out of your way to do this.
A man came to my work yesterday 2 hours late to a class he HAD to be at or he would be in trouble. He lived 30 minutes away, his car had broke down, and I could tell that he had been out in the heat for a long time. He was almost in tear when we told him he’d have to come back next week. Something inside me wouldn’t allow him to leave and go through the trouble again after what he had been through that morning. I sat with him personally and quickly discussed everything that was discussed in the class he had to attend and gave him credit. Do this for people, and when they thank you for going out of your way to help…tell them to pay it forward ;)

6. It is okay to be fragile sometimes. You mommy went probably years without crying because she thought it was a weakness. But I realized there are some things absolutely worth crying about. Do not ever be afraid to show your emotions and let others know how you feel.

5. Never be ashamed of who you are. Love what you want to love, and not what others love just to fit in. If you want to be a Paleontologist in Colorado, Go for it. Mommy will back you.

4. Allowing other’s to talk down to you will only make them feel stronger. Just walk away and let them know that you will not be treated with disrespect. Do not believe these negative things that bullies would say. They are just unhappy with themselves. You are already strong at four and recognize when someone is being hateful to you. I can not imagine the strength you will have as an adult.

3. Don’t let ANYONE tell you that you can’t do something. And if they do, prove them wrong. I asked you the other day what you wanted to be when you grew up and you responded “a police officer just like my mommy was.” By God if that is what you want, go for it! Daddy will not be happy, but he will get used to it. Live your dreams and never regret a single thing. Each decision you make molds the beautiful person you will be on the inside.

2. You don’t have to do the same thing every day. Try new things. If other’s think you are “wishy washy” and unable to commit, know that your mother is proud of you for following each and every dream that enters your mind. Your mother has done many things in her life, things she always wanted to do. Even if I only did some of these things for a short time, I fulfilled that dream and can not say I didn’t try. Some people think success is how much money you make…but I hope you see it through your mother’s eyes and feel that success is the happiness you have with yourself.

1. And MOST importantly: Fall in love as many times as you can, with everything you can, and ooz passion in anything you do.

Even though I wish you pure happiness, I understand that you will make your own choices. But know whatever the choice is…I will love you endlessly!


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