So much work, for something so little.

Too many things I want to do. Too many ideas in my head. I told my mother the other day, “Life is too short to do the same thing every day.” I do not miss being locked in an office, or typing the same old reports every day. There is now another title I may add to my resume along with mother, police officer, fitness trainer, cook, chauffer, social worker, writer, drummer, artist, and wife. I may now add Published Author! Today is very exciting for me. I have written since I was in high school; and still have those short stories on a floppy disk (old). I have written down everything that has made some kind of an impression on my life. Every time I see something so beautiful that I can barely describe; I grab a pen and paper and somehow the words just appear. I want to write and write and write. I got tired of writing stories and articles for other people ( so that they may publish “my” work. Freelance writing doesn’t pay that well ; ) My daughter inspired me to try writing...