Five Years Later

Five years later... Well life has completely changed, to say the least. I’ve been quite busy. I've divorced and am no longer trapped in an unhappy marriage. My beautiful angel of a daughter is growing up too quickly and is about to be a 4th grader. We've moved to a small town and I have a big beautiful ring on my finger! Oh yeah, and a fiancĂ©. Just kidding, of course the FiancĂ© biz is much more important than the ring thing! This may be a Blog, but I still am not completely keen on the whole “telling too much personal business” to the world. I was blessed to meet a wonderful man who makes me laugh, trusts and respects me, loves Christ, and also is the dreamiest hunk I've ever known! He truly takes care of Lyric and me like I never expected. I couldn’t believe I was so blessed to have met such an intelligent man that I could talk to for hours about everything from politics and WWII to Knights Templar and serial killers. It is wonderful to have a partner who is your ...