10 Things I want my daughter to know about life

For my precious Lyric 10. Serve God, Love God, and Mend. Shakespeare’s quote from Much Ado about Nothing was said from a man to a woman “serve God, love me, and mend”…But until you find THAT “man” always abide by the other version. No matter what is happening in your life, and no matter how unpopular it is to serve God, …do! You will be a happier person and it will mend all internal wombs. 9. Always use a strong hand shake… it leaves lasting impression. It represents self-confidence and ambition. A strong hand shake and eye contact exemplifies a mutual respect for one another and is a sign that you are friendly, trustworthy, and honest. Always Always Always look people in the eye when you talk to them. 8. If you have the ability, always do what you can to fight for people who are unable to fight for themselves, regardless of who they are. Do not sit back and watch bad things happen or said to someone without speaking up to protect that weaker person. It is the decent thing...